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First Aid for Stroke
Keep a syringe or needle in your home to do this... It's amazing and an unconventional way of recovering from stroke, read it through it can help somebody 1 day. This is amazing, if it works. Please keep this very handy...
Excellent tips. Do take a minute to read this. You'll never know. One's life may depend on you. My friends father was paralyzed and later died from the result of a stroke. I wish I knew about this first aid before. When stroke strikes, the capillaries in the brain will gradually burst. When a stroke occurs, stay calm. No matter where the victim is, do not move him/her. Because, if moved, the capillaries will burst. Help the victim to sit up where h e is to prevent him from falling over again, and then the bloodletting can begin. If you have in your home an injection syringe that would be the best, otherwise, a sewing needle or a straight pin will do. Place the needle/pin over fire to sterilize it, and then use it to prick the tip of all 10 fingers. There are no specific acupuncture points, just prick about a mm from the fingernail. Prick till blood comes out. If blood does not start to drip, then squeeze with your fingers. When all 10 digits is bleeding, wait a few minutes then the victim will regain consciousness.
If the victim's mouth is crooked, then pull on his ears until they are red. Then prick each ear lobe twice until two drops of blood comes from each ear lobe. After a few minutes the victim should regain consciousness. Wait till the victim regains his normal state without any abnormal symptoms then take him to the hospital, otherwise, if he was taken in the ambulance in a hurry to the hospital, the bumpy trip will cause all the capillaries in his brain to burst. If he could save his life, barely managing to walk, then it is by the grace of his ancestors.
I learned about letting blood to save life from Chinese traditional doctor Ha Bu-Ting who lives in Sun-Juke. Furthermore, I had practical experience with it. Therefore I can say this method is 100% effective. In 1979, I was teaching in Fung-Gaap College in Tai-Chung. One afternoon I was teaching class when another teacher came running to my class room and said in panting, 'Mr. Liu, come quick, our supervisor has had a stroke!' I immediately went to the 3rd floor. When I saw our supervisor, Mr.Chen Fu-Tien, his color was off, his speech was slurred, his mouth was crooked-all the symptoms of a stroke. I immediately asked one of the practicum students to go to the pharmacy outside the school to buy a syringe, which I used to prick Mr. Chen's 10 fingers tips. When all 10 fingers were bleeding (each with a pea-sized drop of blood), after a few minutes, Mr. Chen's face regained its color and his eyes' spirit returned, too. But his mouth was still crooked. So I pulled on his ears to fill them with blood. When his ears became red, I pricked his right earlobe twice to let out 2 drops of blood. When both earlobes had two drops of blood each, a miracle happened. Within 3-5 minutes the shape of his mouth returned to normal and his speech became clear. We let him rest for a while and have a cup of hot tea, then we helped him go down the stairs, drove him to Wei-Wah Hospital .. He rested one night and was released the next day to return to school to teach. Everything worked normally.
There were no ill after-effects. On the other hand, the usual stroke victim usually suffers irreparable bursting of the brain capillaries on the way to the hospital. As a result, these victims never recover. Therefore stroke is the second cause of death. The lucky ones will stay alive but can remain paralyzed for life. It is such a horrible thing to happen in one's life. If we can all remember this bloodletting method and start the life-saving process immediately, in a short time, the victim will be revived and regain 100% normality. We hope you can tell others about this first aid method. By doing so, stroke may be removed from the list of major causes of death.
Forward this after reading. It will be a good deed indeed. The greatest risk is not taking one... Make a difference!! !
Versi Indonesia:
Dear Fren
Life begin at fourty, katanya. Tapi justru buat kita yang sudah masuk 40-an, harus extra hati2. Bukan nakut2 in loh. Kalo pola hidup kita tidak sehat, maka berbagai macam penyakit datang mendekat, mulai dari kolesterol, asam urat, lever, ginjal, jantung bahkan sakit gigi. nah sehubungan dengan itu, baca artikel ini baik2 supaya tahu cara pencegahannya
1. Tekanan Darah memuncak dgn ciri leher berasa sangat berat / Kencang & Tiba-tiba sakit kepala / pusing
2. Mulut rasanya miring sebelah (mau ngiler). Mau ngomong susah.
3. Penglihatan kabur atau kehilangan ketajaman. Ini bisa terjadi pada satu atau dua mata.
4. Kehilangan keseimbangan (lemas mendadak), seperti kehilangan energi secara mendadak.
5. Rasa kebal atau kesemutan (spt ditusuk jarum secara ringan ) pada satu sisi tubuh ( punggung )
6. Muka kita mati rasa mendadak (kesemutan sebelah)
Tips & Trik
1. ambil jarum tusukan ke seluruh jari tangan sampai darah menetes (tp gak berdarah darah di kira pembunuhan)
2. kalau mulut berasa miring, tarik kupingnya sampai merah, dibagian daun telinganya juga ditusuk dua tusukan jarum, sehingga masing-masing telinga menetes dua tetes darah.
3. kalo jatuh di kamar mandi atau dimanapun jangan buru buru pindahkan orangnya ke tempat lain. tidurkan dulu di posisi jatuh lakukan tindakan pertama dengan melihat ciri ciri diatas dulu.
4. jangan buru buru naikin ke mobil karna kalau terkena guncangan pembuluh darah di otak akan semakin parah
Semoga bermanfaat.. ..
Menurut pakar stroke Dr. Jose Vega, berbicara kepada Urbanlegend.com, ia secara serius menyatakan email tersebut dibuat oleh orang yang tidak mengerti prinsip medis sama sekali, dan mengatakan bahwa melakukan praktek menusukkan jarum ke jari-jari pasien sampai berdarah lebih banyak mudarat daripada manfaatnya. Apa yang menurutnya paling fatal adalah gagasan untuk tetap membiarkan pasien tersebut pada tempat kejadian sampai pasien tersebut normal kembali. Padahal, ketika seseorang terkena serangan stroke, ia berpacu dengan waktu untuk mendapatkan tindakan medis (tPA) hanya dalam batas 3 jam dari saat kejadian.
Bahkan, snopes.com menuliskan, mengenai saran untuk tidak mentransportasikan pasien ke rumah sakit terdekat akibat ketakutan akan terjadinya "kalau terkena guncangan pembuluh darah di otak akan semakin parah"; kejadian serangan stroke tersebut sudah terjadi pada pembuluh darah di otak tersebut dan membawanya ke rumah sakit terdekat sepertinya tidak akan memperparah apa yang sudah terjadi
Snopes.com yang mewawancarai Dr. Rupinder S. Sahsi dari Guelph, Ontario, mengatakan, "I see no physiological reason why minute amounts of peripheral blood loss would have any effect on cerebral blood flow." Dengan kata lain, melakukan penusukan jarum ke jari-jari korban yang terkena serangan stroke sampai meneteskan darah tidak akan membantu apa pun.
Akan tetapi, melakukan hal tersebut, hanyalah akan membuang waktu yang berharga ketika sebenarnya pasien harus dibawa ke rumah sakit untuk mendapatkan tindakan medis yang tepat dalam selang waktu terbatas, untuk mencegah kerusakan otak lebih lanjut. Saran terbaik adalah segera memanggil ambulan untuk membawanya ke rumah sakit terdekat.
Sumber: urbanlegend.com, snopes.com, milis samaggiphala
Sumber gambar: Medline Plus
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itu boekan hoax lar tapi emang di TCM ada getu, yg jadi masalah khan prinsip tcm beda ame medis barat.
10 titik jari itu disebut jg 13 guixue. Biasanye dianggep buat usir hawa jahat or xieqi.
nah selain fungsi buat stroke, bisa jg buat demam yg gak lebih dari 39 derajat C.
tapi fangxue buat stroke itu mesti diinget itu tindakan darurat sebelon kedokter getu.
Perlu kita tahu, penyebab stroke tu scara garis besar ada 2, yaitu pembuluh darah otak pecah (stroke hemorrhagic) dan terhambatnya suplai darah ke otak (stroke iskemik). Stroke iskemik sendiri bisa disebabkan sumbatan bekuan darah/trombus atau emboli (bisa udara, lemak, atau pecahan trombus).
Nah, intinya kan darah ga ngalir ke bagian tertentu di otak. Padahal darah tu bawa oksigen n makanan buat otak. Dalam hitungan menit, kalo otak ga dapet 2hal tersebut, sel2 otak akan mati.
Ada stroke yang langsung berat (pembuluh darah pecah, atau sumbatan total), tapi ada juga stroke yg cuma sekilas (biasanya yg diakibatkan emboli -> emboli bisa pecah atau lepas).
Pada stroke yg cuma sekilas, biasanya pasien ga mengalami defisit neurologis berarti (pulih sprti sdia kala maksudnya) tapi tetap memiliki faktor resiko utk ngalamin serangan stroke yg lebih berat.
Sedangkan pada stroke yg langsung berat, yg bisa kita lakukan adalah menyelamatkan daerah penumbra (kaya gerhana itu loh), yg belum rusak permanen. Sementara daerah yg udah ga dapet oksigen n makanan mau ga mau harus direlakan.
Intinya adalah, ga ada alasan utk menunda penatalaksanaan stroke, sodara2.. Larikan segera ke RS, karena kita ga pernah tau stroke macam apa yg sedang dialami kawan kita..n pray for the best..
Sekali kena stroke kita harus maintain badan kita terus, selamanya, 4 whole life, jadi, jangan sampe kena stroke..
Berusahalah mencegah dg hindari faktor resiko.. 4 example merokok ato kolesterol tinggi ato diabates -> bikin pembuluh darah kaku -> gampang pecah ato muncul trombus
Be smart,, hidup sehat,, hidup lebih bermanfaat.. ^-^v
Thanks infonya..
@Bisnis Online:
Sama-sama, Pak/Ibu....
Semoga bermanfaat
Salam kasih,
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